meet the war horse team

Amanda and Steve reside on a small ranch just outside of Austin, Texas with their two dogs, Axle and Remington (Remi). Amanda is a native Texan and University of Texas Alum, working full time for the largest consulting firm in the world. She is a former collegiate and semi-pro athlete and musician.  In her downtime you will likely find her outside with animals nearby or fishing, hiking, boondocking and off-roading with Steve and their dogs.  Steve grew up in the off-roading mecca, Moab, UT, and is the Director of Sales for an American-based Steel company. He is a former wrestling State Champion and Green Beret. Steve enjoys hunting, fishing, golf, boondocking, 4-wheeling and just being outdoors in general.

Our Mission

Improve your outdoor experience and capabilities with War horse Off-Road

The purchase of our 2021 Ford Bronco sparked an old passion for off-roading in Steve and ignited a new passion and opportunity to compete for Amanda.  As we emerged from the pandemic we were doing whatever we could to get outside and in nature and away from our desks as much as possible and this new pony was just the vehicle to do it. As we ventured further into the off-roading world and began attending events and expos, we quickly realized that not only is this a great community of people who are also passionate about working and playing hard and responsibly outdoors, but there is also a great opportunity to share off-roading with everyone, including underrepresented groups in the community like women, people of color and those with disabilities. Our mission quickly emerged… to improve our client’s overall outdoor experience and capabilities through our after-market products, training, and education – enabling access to off-roading to all. 

Our Story